15 must read books for the solopreneur

The solopreneur is someone who owns and run a small/medium business, working primarily from home. Solopreneurship to me is about taking control of yourself and your life in order to invest in your future and create something that will last after you are gone.

Books are a sea of never ending teachings and  

I highly recommend these books because the lessons they preach are life-changing. These are by no means the best 15 books but they are simply my favourite. These books are more precious to me than I can explain. (who else hugs their books?) :)

You will notice that some books are old - really old! - but they are far from being outdated - the teachings in these old books are timeless and priceless. I listed my top 15 books in chronological order of their publishing date. 

Here they go:

1. The Art of Money Getting (1880) - P.T. Barnum

In a nutshell: There are no shortcuts to wealth, aside from right vocation, good character and perseverance - and don't forget to advertise. 

2. The Path to Prosperity (1905) - James Allen

In a nutshell: You will only become truly prosperous when you have disciplined your mind. Paradoxically, wealth and happiness comes most easily to those who forget themselves in the service of others.

3. Your Invisible Power (1921) - Genevieve Behrend 

In a nutshell: What we visualize tends to come into being. Use this invisible but logical power to turn any desire into reality.

4. The Game of Life and How to Play It (1925) - Florence Scovell Shinn

In a nutshell: If life is thought of as a game, we are motivated to learn and apply the rules for our own happiness.

5. The Richest Man in Babylon (1926) - George S. Clason

In a nutshell: Learn simple lessons in financial wisdom through parables of managing business and household finances.

6. Think and Grow Rich (1937) - Napoleon Hill

In a nutshell: The 13 Principles discussed are: Desire, Faith, Autosuggestion, Specialized Knowledge, Imagination, Organized Planning, Decision, Persistence, Power of the Master Mind, Thy Mystery of Sex Transmutation, The Subconscious Mind, The Brain and The Sixth Sense.

7. The Power of your Subconscious Mind (1963) - Joseph Murphy

In a nutshell: By understanding how the subconscious mind works, you can learn how dreams become reality.

8. Creative Visualization (1978) - Shakti Gawain

In a nutshell: Life tends to live up to the thoughts and images you have about it, good or bad. Why not imagine your future the way you want it?

9. Feel the fear and do it anyway (1987) - Susan Jeffers

In a nutshell: The presence of fear is an indicator that you are growing, and accepting life's challenges.

10. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1989) - Stephen Covey

In a nutshell: Real effectiveness comes from clarity about your principles, values and vision. Change is only real if it has become habitual.

11. Awaken the Giant Within (1991) - Anthony Roberts

In a nutshell: It is time to seize the day and live the life you have imagined. This is your starter kit.

12. The Alchemist (1993) - Paolo Coelho

In a nutshell: We too easily give up on our dreams, yet the Universe is always ready to help us fulfill them.

13. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success (1994) - Deepak Chopra

In a nutshell: There is an easier way to get what you want from life, involving atonement with nature and the universe.

14. The Wisdom of Alexander The Great (2004) - Lance Kurke

In a nutshell: Leadership lessons from the man who created an empire. A genius who was never defeated, lead by example, used ingenuity to refrain problems and strategy to win over his enemies.

15. Three Feet from Gold (2009) - Sharon Lechter & Mark Victor Hansen

In a nutshell: Success comes after failures. Learn how to turn your obstacles into opportunities and never give up, for you could just be three feet from gold.

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