Create an Attractive Display for your Market Stall

You can sell more products at a market by simply creating an attractive display. The way you present your products and yourself at a market will determine how well you will do. You could have the most awesome items for sale at the most reasonable price possible, but if you do not take the extra effort to present them carefully, you will not sell a thing. So take some time now, before the market season officially opens, and start planning your display. Whether you are setting up a gazebo, or just a small table, the planning is the same. Set it up in your garage or spare room as it is important to prepare it completely at home, before taking your stall at the market.

1) Lighting 

Want to attract people to your stall? Start with lighting! Create a happy and vibrant appearance for your stall with good lighting. First of all make sure to set up the lighting you need for your products to be well visible, especially for evening markets. These lights should be of natural colour as to make your products shine in their real colour. Once that is done, think of including some artificial lighting, such as fairy lights or pretty lamps to create a welcoming atmosphere. Be careful not to over-do it and become a Christmas tree – unless, of course, it’s a Christmas market.

2) Split Levels 

Your space is most probably limited to a number of meters so it is wise to use the height to gain some extra space for your display. Split levels is easy to do with a few wooden boxes or a shelving unit or even fruit crates. You can also display at different heights, however make sure that the top level is not higher than your customer’s eye level and the bottom level is not lower than the waist - avoid forcing people to squat. You need to create different levels of interest while leaving people viewing comfortably.

3) White vs Colourful 

The current trend is to set up a bright white backdrop for anything. This works well if you have colourful products. Using a white tablecloth will help your items pop up more and provide a pleasant vision to the eye. However, depending on what you are selling other colours will do great as well. Start by using whatever matches your brand colours. Avoid using too many dark colours as it will dull your stall. Focus on fun and bright colours that compliment your products.

4) Holders

For a truly unique stall display, ditch those common Jewellery stands and create something original. Invest in your own unique display equipment. Get in touch with a carpenter, or a metal worker, etc and create something that looks professional and is durable. You will be using these over and over for a long time so the investment will be worth the while. They will add character and spark interest in your products. People will notice the effort and investment you have put in creating something unique and fun.

5) Tags

Even the way you display the pricing of your products can be original and attractive. My advice is to always price everything at a market. It is honestly quite frustrating for a potential customer having to ask the price for everything. And it is not very professional. Just like a shop, everything must be priced and special offers must be clearly stated. You can find many cheap accessories for displaying your tags. Choose what fits your general theme the most and stick with the same type of pricing tag.

6) Coordination 

This is something that will surely please the eye of people who will visit your stall and give your display a truly organized feel. The trick is to display your items together as to create an organized exhibit. You can choose to coordinate your products by item (example, bracelets on one side and necklaces on the other) – but you can also choose to colour code your items, or display them separately according to the material they are made of. You can also display your items in several shapes (circle, triangle, etc) to add character and amusement.

7) Props 

Set the stage for what you are presenting with your props. Are you selling vintage jewelry? A nice ancient frame or vintage luggage would be a great prop. Attention to detail will score major points in your market stall. Whether it is an easel, a frame, a tablecloth, pins, tags, pegs…. if you take your time to plan them out carefully, it will make a whole lot of difference. Carefully chosen props will help evoke a feeling and a sensation in your customers and make them want to buy something. Be creative! A wheelbarrow or a bird cage make lovely props too, even if they have nothing to do with your products.

8) Brand 

You need to make sure that people who visit your stall remember your business name. Your brand signage should be large and well visible. Whatever marketing material you are taking with you at the market, should be placed in a prominent area. Have your business cards on a tray or a bowl on the table, as well as in hand ready to give out to anyone who passes by your stall. If possible, be an ambassador of your brand, by wearing one of your own items.

9) Space

This is going to sound strange but trust me, empty space is as important as the space you are utilizing in your display. It is perhaps considered the norm to use every inch of your table, but when everything is jumbled together, it becomes disorderly and difficult to view. If you instead allow for some free space in between items, they will become more eye popping and people will find it easier to observe your display because they do not feel overwhelmed and confused at what they are looking.

10) Be yourself 

These are your handmade items so you are also selling yourself! People will be more inclined to buy from you if they like you in the first place. You could have the most amazing product but if people cannot connect with you or look you in the eye because you are staring at your smart phone, they will simply just walk away. Make it so you are accessible for a hand shake instead of sitting far away behind your table. Perhaps opt for a tall stool on the side. Have a good, friendly posture. Smile and say hello. Use your time to interact with your potential clients, tell them about the inspiration of that particular item they are holding; or a funny anecdote of how or when it was created. Most of all, be yourself! After reading these tips, I suggest you go and look for more ideas on the internet – particularly on Pinterest – and start setting the elements one by one, making sure that they are consistent with one another and do not clash. Remember, at the end of the day, a quality display reveals a quality product. 


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