"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, but the most adaptable to change." We are all experiencing big changes these days, but the most effective change that you can do is one that will be relevant also when life returns to 'normal'. Online selling is the future! Thrivers is preparing an online course to teach you how to open and maintain your own online store, easily selling your products or services from home, without having to invest lots of money! Here are the contents that this course will be covering: PART 1: Introduction * Defining your products / services * Why you do what you do * Mission Statement * Finding the best name for your business * All about Branding * Facebook Essentials * Basics of an Online Store * Becoming an Entrepreneur * Make a commitment and buy the domain PART 2: Getting Organised * Finding your niche and identifying your ideal customer * Preparing your website with SEO * ...